marc norbert hörler

Finalist 2023

for heat and fervor, 2023
With Steffi Dietz, Ribka Neway, and Sara Vidal Cabré

for heat and fervor is based on continuing research into occult practices in Alpine regions and their rediscovery in the present age, for example the spells still practiced in Appenzell Innerrhoden. Voices conjure a choir through polyphony and dissonance, through magical articulation and linguistic excess; the performers wear modified clothes and exude smells of heat and embers. The performance concentrates on the transformative power of the human voice and the mnemonic capacities of scents and activates affective and sensory perception, which a culture dominated by the visual often relegates to the margins. Using these sensuous and poetic means, hörler imagines diverse tales of perception that might serve as new beginnings to new stories.

marc norbert hörler, for heat and fervor, 2023 / Photo: Karin Salathémarc norbert hörler, for heat and fervor, 2023 / Photo: Karin Salathé
marc norbert hörler, for heat and fervor, 2023 / Photo: Karin Salathémarc norbert hörler, for heat and fervor, 2023 / Photo: Karin Salathé
marc norbert hörler, for heat and fervor, 2023 / Photo: Karin Salathémarc norbert hörler, for heat and fervor, 2023 / Photo: Karin Salathé
marc norbert hörler, for heat and fervor, 2023 / Photo: Karin Salathémarc norbert hörler, for heat and fervor, 2023 / Photo: Karin Salathé
marc norbert hörler, for heat and fervor, 2023 / Photo: Karin Salathémarc norbert hörler, for heat and fervor, 2023 / Photo: Karin Salathé
marc norbert hörler, for heat and fervor, 2023 / Photo: Karin Salathémarc norbert hörler, for heat and fervor, 2023 / Photo: Karin Salathé
marc norbert hörler, for heat and fervor, 2023 / Photo: Karin Salathémarc norbert hörler, for heat and fervor, 2023 / Photo: Karin Salathé
marc norbert hörler, for heat and fervor, 2023 / Swiss Performance Art Award 2022, Video: Christoph Oertli