Lieu: Lokremise, SG
Date: 21.11.2021
Madeleine Amsler
Pavel Aguilar
Lara Dâmaso
Dorota Gawęda & Eglė Kulbokaite
Alpina Huus
Monica Klingler
Léa Katharina Meier
Lika Nüssli
Patrick de Rham
Anne Rochat
Romy Rüegger
Katja Schenker
Nadja Veronese
Dorota Gawęda & Eglė Kulbokaitė, «-lalia», 2021
Léa Katharina Meier, «Tous les sexes tombent du ciel», 2021
Welcome address by: Tanja Scartazzini, Head of the Office of Culture, St.Gallen / Photo credit: Emmanuelle Bayart Photography, Swiss Performance Art Award 2021
Welcome address by: Tanja Scartazzini, Head of the Office of Culture, St.Gallen / Photo credit: Emmanuelle Bayart Photography, Swiss Performance Art Award 2021
Award Ceremony: Léa Katharina Meier, Tanja Scartazzini, Laura Bucher / Photo credit: Tine Edel, Swiss Performance Art Award 2021
Panel Discussion with Marianne Burki, Katharina Brandl, Claire Hoffmann, Madeleine Amsler / Photo Credit: Tine Edel, Swiss Performance Art Award 2021
Panel Discussion with Ernestyna Orlowska, Pascale Grau, Laurence Wagner, Marianne Burki, Madeleine Amsler / Photo Credit: Tine Edel, Swiss Performance Art Award 2021
Concert: Les Reines Prochaines for the 11 years anniversary Swiss Performance Art Award / Photo Credit: Tine Edel, Swiss Performance Art Award 2021